Statistics by Map


Map Number of Matches CT T Probability of winning by starting on this side* Draws
# % Pistol Round % Pistol Round # % Pistol Round % Pistol Round CT T
de_mirage heatmap 31 325 58.04 % 30 48.39 % 235 41.96 % 32 51.61 % 61.29 % 38.71 %
de_dust2 heatmap 17 181 57.64 % 18 52.94 % 133 42.36 % 16 47.06 % 47.06 % 52.94 %
de_inferno heatmap 19 191 53.2 % 19 48.72 % 168 46.8 % 20 51.28 % 52.63 % 47.37 %
de_anubis heatmap 10 94 52.51 % 9 42.86 % 85 47.49 % 12 57.14 % 50 % 50 %
de_ancient heatmap 14 158 57.66 % 15 50 % 116 42.34 % 15 50 % 78.57 % 21.43 %
de_nuke heatmap 2 25 56.82 % 2 40 % 19 43.18 % 3 60 % 50 % 50 %
* may not be 100%, if the result was a draw.